Upload is now Bytescale: the Developer Platform for Images, Videos & Audio

Lawrence Wagerfield

This transition signifies our evolution from simplifying file uploads for developers to becoming the best way to host images, videos, and audio for web apps – a transformation that is both humbling and exhilarating.

Our journey began with a simple goal: to make it easy for developers to add file upload functionality to their apps. As Upload, we achieved remarkable success, gaining the trust of thousands of developers worldwide. Yet, as our product and customers grew, so did our vision.

Bytescale emerges as a comprehensive platform, providing the best solution for hosting images, videos, and audio at scale. Whether you need to handle user-generated content (UGC) in your web app, or you need to optimize and serve your site's existing assets, Bytescale is the right solution for you.

Key Aspects of Our Transformation:

  1. Beyond File Uploads: While we cherish our roots, our transformation expands our horizons. Bytescale is no-longer a "File Upload Platform for Developers", but is now a "Developer Platform for Images, Videos, and Audio". Our rebranding acknowledges that source assets aren't always uploaded to our service.
  2. Real-Time Media File Processing: Core to our vision is the ability to handle all media file types, on demand, which means processing images, videos, and audio in real-time.
  3. Content Delivery & Storage: Our rebranding aligns with how customers use Bytescale today. While the majority of our customers perform both uploads and downloads, many customers solely use Bytescale to process, optimize, and serve content that exists elsewhere.
  4. Scalable Platform: Bytescale is a developer platform that can be used to build web apps, libraries, and platforms alike. We believe our new name reflects this.
Our rebranding signifies a bold step into a new era of media processing, redefining how developers handle images, videos, and audio in their apps.

Since 2021, Bytescale's platform has grown to include:

Bytescale now stands as a full-fledged media hosting platform for developers, equipped with a versatile suite of services designed to empower developers to unleash the full potential of their site's content. This rebranding encapsulates our unwavering commitment to delivering a robust, high-performance, and economical solution for handling any type of media file at scale.

For a deeper look into Bytescale and our current offering, please visit www.bytescale.com.

About Bytescale:

Bytescale, formerly Upload, redefines media file hosting for developers, with a focus on real-time performance and reducing page load times through next-generation media formats. Our commitment to innovation remains strong as we continue releasing new features in line with our vision of becoming the best way to host images, videos, and audio for web apps.

Migrations and Technical Queries:

There is no action required by any customer as part of this rebrand.

  • The Upload Website and Upload Dashboard (upload.io) will redirect to the Bytescale Website and Bytescale Dashboard (www.bytescale.com).
  • The Upload API (api.upload.io) will continue to serve requests as normal, without using redirects.
  • The Upload CDN (upcdn.io) will continue to serve requests as normal, without using redirects.
  • Both the Upload API and Upload CDN will continue to function exactly as they have in the past: there will be no observable changes, besides hyperlinks in error messages pointing to our new website domain (above).

For customers who proactively want to update their apps:

  • SDKs: we have updated all SDKs (NPM packages) to @bytescale scoped packages. These SDKs include several additional improvements over the legacy SDKs. We have created migration guides for each SDK.
  • REST APIs: you can use api.bytescale.com instead of api.upload.io (no other changes are required)
  • CDN / File URLs: no changes are required *
  • Custom CNAMEs: no changes are required *

* We will continue to use upcdn.io as our shared CDN domain until our new shared CDN domain is in-place. As part of this work, we will be allowing customers to configure subdomains, e.g. your-company.byte.cm instead of upcdn.io/W142hJk

Questions and Comments:

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please direct them to hello@bytescale.com or reach out via Bytescale's live chat beacon: we're here to help!

Lawrence Wagerfield
Written by

Lawrence Wagerfield Follow

Hey there, I'm the founder of Bytescale. I dabble in pretty much everything but my expertise is software engineering.

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