Response body for ListFolderDescendants.
{ "cursor": "/uploads/file.jpg", "folder": { "folderPath": "/uploads", "settings": { "description": "This is an example folder description.", "publicPermissions": [ { "permissions": { "file": { "downloadFile": [ "*" ] } }, "scope": "Children" } ], "storageLayer": { "type": "InternalStorageV2" } }, "type": "Folder", "virtual": true }, "isPaginationComplete": true, "items": [ { "filePath": "/uploads/image.jpg", "fileUrl": "", "lastModified": 1615680311115, "size": 43182, "type": "File" } ]}
Cursor that must be provided to the next request (to continue reading the next page of results).
Example: "/uploads/file.jpg"
Type: String
Min Length: 1
Max Length: 512
Summary information about the requested folder.
Type: FolderSummary
If true then paging has completed.
Type: Boolean
Summary information about each of the folder's descendants (files and folders).
Type: ObjectSummary[]
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